Right to be a father

after one separation or divorce , the sensation of many men is to feel they are only providers, stripped of all emotional connection, as well as the rights that are granted in a relationship of father and son .

This is the case of Edgar, who has experienced a painful process for the last 3 years, because after the separation with Daniela, his ex-wife, he stopped living with his son Daniel, 8 years old.

"Immediately after our breakup, she - in a capricious way - began to hinder by all means the coexistence with my son; however, I have fulfilled my obligations to maintenance ", it states.

Despite fulfilling this responsibility, the law does not seem to favor men in this sense, because 90% of the custody of children are given to mothers, according to data from Population and Housing Census 2010, of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) . Only in exceptional cases can they lose this straight .

"Mothers have no right to steal from their children a single possibility of receiving love, affection, attention and emotional balance from their parents. divorce , in any case, it is between them, not with the children. Dads and children have right to live harmoniously, "says María Juana Palestino, a lawyer specialized in family matters of the Family Legal Assistance Program, National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF) , National Offices.

Therefore, to guarantee the full compliance of the rights and obligations of both parents with respect to the children, whether or not they were married , it is recommended:

1. Go to a family court and comment on the case.
2. Make a legal agreement, either by common agreement or where the judge is who dictates the conditions.
3. Set, as clearly as possible, the custody, food, as well as visits and coexistence with children.
4. Respect the judge's sentence.
5. In case the sentence ruled by the judge is not met, notify it so that it is corrected and / or sanctioned.

Ensuring the interest of minors is the preponderant criterion in all judgments issued in the courts of the family, so if someone does not respect it, it entails serious consequences ranging from an economic penalty, to the loss of custody of the children "says María Juana Palestino." To know yourself, sculpt your character. "For more information write to:bojorge@teleton.org.mx