Resist novelty

The difference between letting ourselves be carried by a Fast-paced life and one more paused is reflected in your appearance . In the first case it can make you look up to five years longer than your biological age, therefore live with calm It is the key to being healthy and long-lived.


José Luis Trechera , author of The wisdom of the turtle. Slowly but surely, clarifies that the focus of live calmly is to stay without hurry but also Non stop .

"It is to have plans but not be enveloped by the accelerated life imposed by the use of new information and communication technologies, that is, to be alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, wake up or sleep with the cell phones ", says Trechera .


Mark C. Taylor , director of the Faculty of Religion of the Columbia University , in his book, Speed ​​Limits: Where Time Went and Why We Have so Little Left, share tips for to break with this rhythm so accelerated .


Resist novelty

Under the label of "innovation" Marketing creates a wish where there is no need . This is clearly seen among hundreds of people who camp and wait hours for the launch of a new product, such is the case of Apple with the iPhone.

In this context, Taylor adds that to live with calm It is necessary to question yourself. Is it necessary to work extra hours to acquire the "new innovation"? Will it improve my life? Will it be an object with which I invest more time?


Time to reflect

In this noisy world it's really a challenge to stay a moment in silence , reserved for reflection . Pause and remember when was the last time you stayed silent, without electronic devices or other distractors?

If you have not done it, it's time to experiment. Sit for a moment and think of those ideas that you want to deepen or that bring you pleasant memories and let your mind fly freely.


Reconnect with your real world

Taylor affirms that contact with the material and natural world has been lost, for this reason it advises to abandon the virtual world; Take some time for the here and now.

He suggests doing physical work that causes pleasure, an example of this is gardening. The contact with nature, the earth returns the sensitivity that is lost in this unbridled world.


Read not by reading

Reading has become an activity that is done quickly, short texts are favored and to the point, but reading takes time because you need reflection, concentration, patience, and sensitivity.

Take a book and do not rush to finish it skipping passages. Read slowly, pause to underline lines, write your ideas and questions. When you finish reading, you can write your recommendation to a friend.

Trechera affirms that since the charge is gold it is relevant to know prioritize , enjoy the present, give time to time and simplify life releasing those experiences that are a drag on your tranquility .

Video Medicine: Racist Glasses | Rudy Mancuso, King Bach & Anwar Jibawi (May 2024).