Relax and enjoy life?

Stress is an altered state of emotional balance, of psychic tension that can affect all levels of being (physical, affective, cognitive, behavioral), and in most of the times, tension is generated by our mental attitudes. So, how is stress controlled?

The term stress was used for the first time in 1936 to indicate the difficulties of adaptation of an organism to stimuli that interrupt its biological rhythm.

Stress is an alarm reaction that expresses itself with biological and behavioral changes and becomes more acute when the stimulation persists over time. Therefore, it is important that you learn to control it before it becomes a major problem.


Relax and enjoy life?

So that you have a better quality of life and prevent diseases caused by stress, you should only follow the following recommendations:

1.- Organize yourself: Make a list of priorities and organize your time to fulfill them. Let your life flow without you trying to control everything at the same time.

2.- Distractions: Enjoy some hobbies, they are a very effective way to stop thinking about our worries.

3.- Socialize: By relating to people from different backgrounds who have a relaxing influence will help you reduce your level of anxiety and stress.

4.- Act naturally: Do creative activities, solidarity or contact with nature.

5.- Activate yourself: It may seem redundant, but doing some physical activity will reduce your stress levels, since exercise generates endorphins, neurotransmitters of natural well-being.

6. Elevate your spirit: Develop your receptivity towards the most transcendental issues.

Remember that all people react differently to stressful situations, that is, some get carried away by nerves and others get blocked or fall apart. It depends on you to overcome anxiety and lead a relaxing life. And you, how do you handle stress?

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