Choices suitable for exercise

The feeding It is one of the most important factors when exercising. Therefore, a proper snack before exercising can help you meet your goal without fatigue .

The feeding of those who exercise must comply with the characteristics of the diet correct, and take into account the type of exercise (aerobic or anaerobic) they practice, as well as its intensity and duration.

A collation adequate to obtain the necessary energy to perform optimally, maintain an ideal weight, and recover after exercise.

Some examples of collations that can be consumed before making the physical activity are:

1. One fruit with 10 almonds. 2. A fruit with cottage cheese. 3. 1 glass of yogurt with fruit. 4. 1 cereal bar. 5. ½ cup of cereal with skim milk. 6. 1 slice of bread with peanut butter. 7. 4 pieces of sweet wholemeal cookies. 8. 4 pieces of whole grain crackers with cheese.

The carbohydrates they are the main source of energy when exercising; that is, they are the fuel that your body needs to be able to move.

On the other hand, proteins they help you maintain and replenish the muscles you use during exercise; while the fats they are reserves of energy that will allow your body to function in activities of moderate intensity.

Other basic recommendations to get the most out of your workout are: drink enough liquid throughout the day (about 500 ml or 2 cups a couple of hours before), and eat your collation 30 to 40 min. before doing the exercise.

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