Reasons to consume coconut

For decades, this exotic fruit has been part of a comprehensive diet, especially in tropical regions. Thanks to its numerous nutrients, it becomes a healthy food with plenty of reasons to consume coconut.


The Benefits of the coconut are due to the large amount and diversity of acids beneficial to health as the lauric , capric Y caprylic . It has antibacterial properties, antioxidants and fungicides, according to the Yucatan Scientific Research Center .

Currently the food industry takes advantage of nutrients of the Water for its properties rehydrating . The milk as an option for people with intolerance to lactose and coconut sugar because of its low glycemic index.


Reasons to consume coconut

Eating the flesh of the fruit, drinking the water or milk, as well as applying or using the coconut oil provides some of the following benefits.

1. It regulates blood pressure. According to a study of The West Indian Medical Journal , the potassium of coconut water favors the regulation of blood pressure . This mineral helps balance the level of sodium in the blood , so that the organism works properly. One point to consider is that because it is a delicate condition, its control requires medical supervision.

2. Prevents Alzheimer's. Although the causes of this disease are unknown, a published article Journal of Alzheimer's Disease explains that the fatty acids of the medium chain contained in the pulp of the fruit have an effect protective about the neurons . So they suggest taking a small spoonful of coconut oil or accompany it in food.

3. Antibacterial Coconut milk is rich in lauric acid . According to National Center for Biotechnology Information , this substance favors the elimination of germs , acts as a fungicide and antibacterial . In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, which decreases the risks of heart disease and stroke.

4. Hydrates the body. The water of the coconut fruit is full of minerals essential for the hydration of the human body, including 30 ml of magnesium per 100g and 312 ml of potassium every 100g. These help replenish the electrolytes that are lost when sweating, especially after intense physical activity, points out Purification Gonzalez , professor of Bromatology of the CEU University San Pablo, Brazil.

5. Protects the skin. Peter Lee, dermatologist at the University of Minnesota , United States, explains that one of the benefits of coconut is that its oil works like a cream moisturizing that helps keep the skin . He adds that the fatty acids in coconut oil they form a more natural barrier than other products or traditional creams. This makes the skin breathe more and hold water .

These are some reasons to consume coconut. Remember that with your pulp (meat) you get 45% water, 35% fat, 10% carbohydrates, as well as 5% protein. Do you like coconut?