Part of your daily life ...

Without knowing it, the environment hides elements that can damage our health, to the point of causing death; example, the chemical substances that contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer.

According to figures from National Institute of Statistics and Geographies (INEGI) Of every 100 hospital discharges due to tumors in the country, 56 are by malignant type. In young people it represents 71 out of 100 and for the adult population, 53.


Part of your daily life ...

From your foods even what you use to bathe you may be hiding a "danger" to your well-being. That's why we tell you the chemicals that can cause Cancer . Beware!

1. Acrylamide . According to European Authority for Food Safety (EFSA), acrylamide is formed during heating of the foods at high temperatures. Ingesting these foods increases the risk of developing cancers .

Acrylamide is produced during frying and baking at temperatures above 100 degrees. Coffee, chips, toast, cookies and various baby foods contain acrylamide.

2. Dioxins . They are found in the environment around the world and more than 90% of human exposure occurs through food, particularly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish.

The dioxin s have high toxicity and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, affect the immune system, interfere with hormones and, thereby, cause Cancer . This is what the World Health Organization .

3. Insecticides or rodenticides. Contains thallium, cyanide, carbonates, organophosphate, strychnine, chemicals that can produce Cancer and problems in the lungs and airways.

4. Sunscreen spray. The chemical responsible for brightening the skin is so toxic that it can cause genetic mutations and DNA damage that cause Cancer . This is indicated by a study of School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania.

A good way to prevent the development of cancer is through maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Beware!