Lymphatic cancer increases in epidemic proportions

For more than 3 decades, the medical community has dealt with the investigation around lymphatic cancer since, contrary to other types of cancer, its incidence today registers an increase in epidemic proportions worldwide and only in Mexico there are up to 14,900 new cases per year. Fortunately and thanks to this scientific work, patients diagnosed in a timely manner have a encouraging panorama of recovery and even cure.

90% of the cases diagnosed with lymphatic cancer correspond to the subgroup of Lymphomas No Hodgkin, present mostly in productive stages -40 to 60 years- and which constitutes in our country the third most common cancer in the male gender and the fifth in the Female gender . Its cause is still unknown but it is usually related to risk factors such as infectious agents, acquired immunodeficiency syndromes, as well as environmental and genetic factors.

At a press conference Dr. Eduardo Reynoso , Head of the Department of Hematology of the Spanish Hospital, warned that the timely detection of a lymphatic cancer is of great importance to obtain the best results with the treatment. "This is why special attention must be paid to demonstrations such as the presence of inflammation not painful of the ganglia accompanied by unexplained fever, tiredness, excessive night sweats and weight loss, which can easily be confused with a common infectious picture. "

"There are no prevention strategies, however, today we have Rituximab , an antibody specifically directed to induce the destruction of malignant cells and that provides tangible benefits such as sensitization to the toxic effect of chemotherapy , greater possibility of cure and increase in the period without disease, which will avoid the need to return to receive therapies relapse of the disease and directly reduce the cost of patient care as with the purchase of antibiotics, analgesics and even hospitalization, "said Dr. Reynoso.

Finally, the hematologist said that as of 2011, the condition was included in the list of services offered by Seguro Popular and with this, all patients will have access to the best care in any Health Institution both public and private.