Low self-esteem affects sex life

The security with which a human being develops in his daily life can have an impact on very important aspects of our life, such as the sexuality . Each person is different and unique, and everything you feel and how you see is perceived by other people.

Some women feel bad about their body because they look fat, or are not satisfied with their curves, their height or their features. All this affects yourself esteem , also affecting their behavior.

According to information published in the portal of Your sexual guide , self-esteem is a fundamental factor in sexuality. When a woman feels good, she manages to give herself completely, she is pleased and she is pleased, she fully enjoys the couple and also herself.

The problems ofself esteem have a very negative impact on the sexuality for him fear to the image of perfection that your partner may have of it and that does not coincide with reality.

This emotional factor fostered by the idea of ​​corporal perfection is often promoted by modern societies. The insecurities and the tension that these cause by the fear to rejection could affect your sexual desire , and not allow to enjoy your sexuality with freedom Y satisfaction .

Women who have a negative view of your body can improve your sexuality considering that what really causes attraction Y sexual desire It is the attitude of the person. That is why it is important to act seductively when speaking, walking, smiling, etc .; However, the main thing to be able to enjoy a sexuality full is a good communication and relationship of couple.

The trust Yrespect Mutuals are the best food to feel sexy Y loved , which easily leads to full enjoyment of the sexuality .

Have a good communication It also allows women to express their tastes and interests in privacy, to begin to enjoy more and more sexual intercourse and strengthen their own safety after the act, by feeding their trust Yself esteem .

If the image you have of yourself is positive, it will help you promote a full, healthy and enjoyable sexuality.

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Video Medicine: Low Self Esteem In Women - Why Women Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Men (May 2024).