Lose weight fast after Easter

Start a diet quick to have breakfast cereals, but in the afternoon feel anxiety to eat , shows why subsistence allowance they do not work. Therefore, many people decide to look for how lose weight quickly, as well as control your appetite with medicines.

Very often, after 10 days in which all medicines have been tested for lose weight, they resort to liposuction , mesotherapy Y reducing massages .

At 20 days, it is already known that neither subsistence allowance , nor the medicines for slim down , not even liposuction They work, so it's best not to look in the mirror anymore. Although the strength of will increases after Easter , that repentance is forgotten in a few days.


What is the fat brain?

Most people with overweight They do not gain weight by eating more. Many wake up without appetite , does not cause them to have breakfast and they arrive at lunch still without hunger, but in the afternoon the anxiety to eat carbohydrates or candy is uncontrollable.

This is what is known as the "Fat Brain". An affectation in which alterations in the levels of the serotonin . Among the factors that influence a low serotonin they find themselves staying awake and not having breakfast when they get up.

So you know about the alterations of the serotonin , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video ofDr. Salomón Jakubowicz :

Ideally, the serotonin rise in the afternoon and lower in the morning, increase during the fertile days and decrease during the menstruation . The food with tryptophan help to improve it

How to lose weight after Easter

Try a picture of chocolate , without finishing eating it completely, it is a feat that almost nobody can achieve. Ironically, nutritionists have always been skinny, and only those who have felt anxiety , knows how hard it is to control it.

Until recently, diets to lose weight they were not designed to control the appetite and that's why they did not work. Specialists recommended eating little, but recently it has been discovered that some foods are better to decrease the hungry, and that a dessert at breakfast diminishes the desire to eat it in the afternoon.

Nobody can stop eating the foods that they like because eating is one of the most important pleasures in life.
Instead of eating whole grain bread and cereals, you should save your favorite sweets for breakfast dessert. A succulent dessert helps you adopt a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.

The diet It ends when whole grain bread and cereals tire. On the other hand, if your breakfast includes a chocolate , your lifestyle is more likely to slim down can satisfy your wishes.

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Video Medicine: mikey garcia best way to lose weight EsNews Boxing (May 2024).