10 tips to subtract 100 calories from your food

Take care of your weight? A difficult goal to achieve if we talk about the fact that we are surrounded by food. It does not matter if you work, study or you are at home, food, and especially those that contain carbohydrates and fats, are always present.

However, not only the environment harms the goal of maintaining a healthy diet that helps you keep the line. Most Mexicans do not have good habits when preparing their food, since in the process they include high levels of carbohydrates and fats.

Thus, GetQoralHealth offers you 10 different ways to reduce 100 calories in your food:

1. Consume only egg whites. The yolk is the part of this product that contains the most calories. If you eliminate it and only consume the egg whites you will be reducing an approximate 100 calories from your diet; In addition, you will protect your heart from cholesterol.

2. Reduce the consumption of mayonnaise. In sandwiches or dressings reduce a spoonful of mayonnaise or, failing that, dissolve it with a little cream or milk lactose.

3. Use mustard and use bread with seeds or whole grain. If you have a craving for a sandwich, but you are afraid of gaining weight, substitute the white plan for integral, even, instead of sausages such as ham you can use a few slices of panela cheese.

4. Chicken without skin This contains most of the fat in the meat.

5. Dessert This is the most anticipated part of the day, instead of a cream ice cream you can opt for a seasonal fruit ice palette, which has fewer calories.

6. Steam or grilled. Both preparation procedures do not require a large use of oil or butter, but if you need it, as is the case with grilled meat, you can use a few drops of olive oil.

7. It replaces the consumption of whole milk with delayed or low fat.

8. Cut cheese consumption by half. In short you should avoid high-calorie cheeses: Manchego. If you consume 50 grams of this milk decreases the amount by half.

9. Sugar by substitute . If you are addicted to coffee or tea try as much as possible to change the tablespoons of sugar as a substitute, and if possible, eliminate it gradually.

10. Condiment. Instead of a dressing or oil, you can use herbs, which will give your food a good flavor.

It is very difficult to eliminate carbohydrates and fats from the diet, since these also play a role in our body.

Try to balance and modify your habits for healthier ones

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Video Medicine: Negative Calorie Foods - Science Based Fat Loss? (April 2024).