Liver main blood detoxifier

Special attention to nutrition and diet can help keep your liver healthy, which is one of the vital organs to grant health and quality of life to people. The reason is that the liver It is the largest organ of the human body and performs many functions.

According to the Mexican Foundation for Liver Health (FundHepa), some of the most important activities of the liver, are:

1. Help detoxify the blood of drug , hormones, medicines and substances harmful to your body 2. Destroy and eliminate germs, as well as other bacteria found in the digestive system 3. The liver acts as a filter toxins between the small intestine and the rest of the body 4. Maintains the balance of glucose , grease , proteins , cholesterol , minerals and carbohydrates in the body 5. Converts the food we eat into stored energy and the chemicals necessary for the life and growth of people 6. Manufactures and exports important chemical substances such as bile , which is necessary to digest the fats 7. Participate in the process coagulation in the blood

Next, we present you an interview with Britta Stemmler , graduate in biology and postgraduate in Human Nutrition and Homeopathy , where it is ensured that poor liver care can cause go to , depression and loss of vitality:

FundHepa recommends eating a healthy and balanced diet to protect our liver, which suggests that it is important to eat quietly, chew slowly, savor each bite and avoid prolonged fasting. For more information visit:

Video Medicine: Natural Remedies & Cleanses : Best Way to Detox Your Liver (April 2024).