Less iron improves Hepatitis C treatment

Figures from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) reveal that at least one million Mexicans and around 170 million people in the world are carriers of the virus. Hepatitis C , which is transmitted by contaminated blood and unprotected sex.

Through a press release, the IMSS recommends that patients have a balanced diet, free of alcohol and cigarettes, low in fat and with enough carbohydrates to keep people healthy, although they should moderate, but not eliminate from their diet , the iron-rich foods .

For example, pate, fortified cereals, lentils, spinach and meats, should be consumed in moderation, to take care of the liver, allow it to function in the best possible way and prevent it from becoming inflamed.

Since the virus of the Hepatitis C it lodges in the organism and the first symptoms appear, like fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling in legs, abdomen or hemorrhage in nose and gums, can take between 10 and 15 years.

Since it is a virus, there is no specific treatment, so the goal is to keep the replication of the virus under control to avoid the progressive damage of the liver. However, it is known that adequate treatment and a balanced diet benefit the quality of life of patients with the virus of the Hepatitis C .

Eat less salt

Data from the IMSS reveal that Mexicans consume twice as much salt as many people in the world, a factor that also causes cardiovascular problems , damage liver health , so it is recommended that patients with Hepatitis C have control over the salt they eat.

An alternative is to replace the salt with condiments or lemon juice and avoid industrialized and canned foods.

They create a drink against Hepatitis C

Given the need to improve the lives of patients withn Hepatitis C , IPN students developed a drink of orange juice, added with a plant extract called silymarin, which affect the cellular regeneration of the liver.

The product has antihepathoxic properties, anti-inflammatory , antioxidants , antitumor and hepatoprotective, so it is useful to treat conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and when there are liver damage caused by side effects.

According to official figures, there are about 30,000 deaths per year due to liver damage, of which 18,000 correspond to people suffering from liver diseases. alcoholism .


The power of silymarin  

The IPN clarified that the taste of silymarin is unpleasant to the palate, after various tests decided to combine it with orange juice, a fruit that helps disguise the taste of the compound and makes it pleasant.

This drink was created with the help of the IPN scientist, José Ortíz Gama, who stated: "The product is not a miracle cure and perhaps does not have a therapeutic effect in people with severe damage, but it is an aid to treat initial conditions and moderate hepatic type. "

Video Medicine: Take Apple Cider Vinegar for Iron-Deficient Anemia (April 2024).