1. Relax with abdominal breathing

Learn to breathe deeply through various exercises is a sure way to reduce your levels of stress , as well as slow down your heartbeat and stabilize blood pressure levels.

Breathing superficially prevents the lower part of your lungs receive the full quota for oxygenated air and the range of movement of the diaphragm be limited. This can make you feel anxious, as if you lacked air and with more tension, affirms the Harvard Medical School .

If you want to reduce the stress , relax or correct other problems that affect your health, we share the following exercises breathing deep based on information from the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison .


1. Relax with abdominal breathing

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, place a hand on your abdomen , just below the ribs, and the other in the chest.

Practice breathing deeply through your nose, let your abdomen lightly push your hand, but your chest It must not move. Exhale through pursed lips as if you were whistling until you get all the air out. Repeat the exercise three to ten times.


2. Breathing 4 7 8 to fall asleep

Start by placing one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest; breathe Deep and slowly from the abdomen while you count up to four. Hold the air and count from one to seven.

Finally exhale slowly while counting from eight to one, so that at the end you have removed all the air from the lungs . Repeat the exercise three or seven times, or until you feel calmer.


3. Increase the potential of your lungs with full breathing

Lie on your back with your knees bent, place your left hand on your abdomen and your right on your chest. Practice filling the bottom of your air with lungs breathing, so that the hand in the abdomen rises and the one in the chest remains still.

Exhale through the mouth, repeat everything between eight and 10 times. When you are finished, inhale air towards the lower part of the lungs as in the beginning, and then continue inhaling towards the top of the lungs. chest . You will see that your right hand will rise, while the left lowers slowly.

As exhale by the mouth make a soft and whistling sound when you lower the left hand first, and the right hand afterwards. Practice inhale and exhale in this way between three and five minutes.


4. Morning breathing to relieve muscle stiffness

Start standing, lean forward with your knees slightly bent and let your arms hang close to the ground. Then inhale slowly and deeply at the same time you return to the initial position straightening slowly and lifting the head to the last.

While you are standing, hold your breath for a few seconds, now lower again but this time exhaling until you get to the end. And repeat the entire exercise three or seven times.

If you have never practiced them, always start with the breathing abdominal, and the other exercises you can try to find out which one suits you if you do not want all of them. Do them once or twice a day and try to practice at least ten minutes, suggests Harvard Medical School.

Video Medicine: 3 Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress & Anxiety (April 2024).