Kiwi vs dark circles

Do you look in the mirror and the first thing that stand out are your eye bags ? Improve your appearance and look a fresher and rejuvenated face with the help of Kiwi , thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power.

Because of its high content of nutrients and vitamins (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium), the kiwi is a great ally in the fight against eye bags , since it reduces inflammation and tense the skin .


Enjoy the benefits!

To eliminate unsightly eye bags , you only need a kiwi and have all the disposition to relax, take a hot bath, light some aromatic candles and follow this advice:

Sliced ​​the Kiwi . Close your eyes and place the slices over your eyes; let stand a few minutes and remove them. You can do this every day so that you observe the results in a short time, points out The Woman Magazine .

You can even take some slices for your eyes and consume the rest, you will enjoy it to the fullest and you will be able to prevent diseases , favor the healing of wounds, avoid constipation and fill yourself with antioxidants.

The kiwi is rich in soluble fiber, contributes to good digestion and improves intestinal transit, preventing constipation; elevates the body's defenses and improves the immune system; It is useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, degenerative muscular diseases, diseases of the eyes, among others.

In addition, it has a great content of fiber soluble so it contributes to good digestion, improves intestinal transit, elevates the body's natural defenses and prevents eye diseases. And you, are you ready to pamper yourself and disappear the circles under this treatment?

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