In the rainy season pay attention to infections

Bad weather and rains they break the Health of the most vulnerable groups of the population, especially the children and the elderly .

The decrease in temperature combined with the persistent humidity increase the cases of respiratory diseases , while the overflow of rivers and dams and the presence of flooded waters contribute to worsen gastrointestinal diseases .

According to Dr. Pedro Ramos Rocha, from the Directorate of Support in Contingencies and Disasters of the Coordination of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Children are more exposed to the climatological changes that cause digestive diseases of infectious or parasitic origin, such as amebiasis.

Likewise, the infant population is the most prone to suffer infections by contaminated hands.

Up to 80% of stomach and skin diseases are presented by lack of hygiene . Worldwide, three and a half million infants die every year due to respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses.

Present also are the sufferings in respiratory tract , which mainly affect children and the elderly.

This type of diseases are the first cause of morbidity in the country, as well as one of the first causes of mortality in children under 5 years of age due to acute respiratory infections, such as flu common, sinusitis , pharyngitis , tonsillitis or laryngitis , pneumonia Y bronchopneumonia .

Most of these diseases get complicated when they are not treated in time, so a common cold can turn into pneumonia.


Preventive measures

Flooded areas are prone to the proliferation of diseases, so it is recommended, in the case of respiratory diseases:


  • Increase consumption of vitamin A, E and C : Vitamin A is found in fruits, green and yellow leafy vegetables, liver, eggs and meat; Vitamin E is in breast milk, cereal germ, egg yolk, oatmeal and leafy green vegetables, vitamin C is found in guava, chile poblano, parsley, cauliflower, tangerine, orange, grapefruit and corn flakes
  • Not attend to crowded places
  • wash up hands constantly
  • Change Immediately wet or damp clothes
  • Drink Liquids abundantly.

In the case of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended:


  • Avoid consuming canned foods that have been in contact with contaminated water
  • wash up hands before eating food
  • Avoid eat raw foods

The most important thing is to avoid self-medication, because some symptoms are often confused with other pathologies that complicate your health.

Video Medicine: ROAST YOURSELF HARDER CHALLENGE! (DISS TRACK!!!11!1) (April 2024).