Guided meditation for children

The Guided Meditation for children is an increasingly common practice in schools public and private, because their effects have an impact on the behavior of the students .

However, teach the little ones to meditate It is usually an experience that starts at home. In the case of schools , the groups of children that meditate once or several times a week show up more tolerant with others and less nervous , which allows a better performance Y coexistence .

The meditation is, among other things, a means of leading us to win awareness . Therefore, in an interview with GetQoralHealth , the specialists Dhyan Gulistan and Nirdosh Eidels , they explain how to make it part of your life:

In the case of children, the meditation It is a tool that can accompany you in your adventure to discover the world and make the right decisions that will mark each stage of your life.

Active meditation consists of leading the little ones through reflection. And from 6 or 7 years old they can already carry out this type of meditation, whose objective is to develop the ability to observe oneself and to mature naturally through a awareness and reflection their emotions .