Granada helps fight cancer

The Department of Food Research of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC) found that the shell of the pomegranate has high content of antioxidants that help fight the Cancer .

The punicalina , punicalagina and the ellagic acid that make up the shell of the pomegranate are antioxidants with properties anticancer . This produces "complexed" reactions in Carcinogenic cells , by causing microporations at the cellular level in their membranes eliminates them.

The ellagic acid It has a positive effect on human health. It is a powerful antioxidant , anticarcinogenic , antitumor , antiviral , antimutagenic Y antibacterial .

The UAdeC is developing a biotechnological strategy that allows the release and extraction of ellagic acid of the peel of this fruit for use in medicines against Cancer .

The first results of this finding indicate that there is a fungus that is capable of releasing ellagic acid from the shell of pomegranate and the recovery of it is feasible with high rates of yield.

It is important to mention that the fruits of bushy or berry trees have high levels of ellagic acid . Include in your diet fruits such as blueberries, grapes, strawberries, blackberries, blackberries, currants, walnuts, raspberries and pomegranates since they contain antioxidants that prevent various diseases including the Cancer .

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