Global problem

When a Teen remains pregnant , its present and future they change radically e, rarely for good. You can finish your education, your opportunities of work and increases their vulnerability to poverty , exclusion and dependence , says the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

The unwanted pregnancies in teenagers in the world is a problem of public health which occurs in both developed and developing countries. Although the birth rates differ, since of the 13.1 million annual deliveries among adolescents between 15 and 19 years of age worldwide, 680,000 correspond to developed countries.


Global problem

Among developed countries, U.S It has the highest index rate. I agree with you Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of this country, in 2011 they registered 329,772 deliveries in adolescents from 15 to 19 years old.

While Mexico (considered a country with average income), the birth rate among adolescents is the highest 64.2 per thousand births , while Switzerland and s the country that registers lower index , only with 4.3, according to the report Maternity in childhood of UNFPA .

This study explains that among the causes of this problem in Mexico Although they are similar in most countries, there is widespread poverty, child marriage allowed by family and communities, as well as education factors.


"Around the world, it's more likely that girl stay pregnant in circumstances of exclusion Social, poverty , marginalization and inequality gender, where they can not enjoy or fully exercise their rights humans basic "Says UNFPA.

Evidence from 54 developing countries shows that the pregnancies in teenagers They occur less frequently, mainly in girls under 15, but the decrease in recent years has been slow.

In Latin America and the Caribbean It is the only region where the deliveries of girls under 15 years old increased. In this region, these deliveries are expected increase a little until the 2030 .

In other regions, an increase in the total number of girls giving birth is estimated. For example in Africa Sub-Saharan Africa to continue the current trend, by 2030 the number of girls under 15 years of age who give birth is expected increase from two million to three million.


World ranking

This is the ranking of the member countries of the OECD where there are more incidences of pregnancies among adolescents aged 15 to 19 years.

  1. Mexico
  2. Chile
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Turkey
  5. U.S
  6. Latvia
  7. UK
  8. Estonia
  9. New Zealand
  10. Slovak Republic


Risks of being a mother at a very young age

However, this problem is an alert because "pregnancy is not always good news, as there are notable risks when it occurs during adolescence," he says. Alba Moguel Ancheita, of the National Center of Equity of Gender and Reproductive Health (Cnegysr), of the Ministry of Health .

The data is alarming when it is recorded that in Latin America and the Caribbean the first cause of death between teenagers of 15 and 19 years is related to complications in the pregnancy and the Birth , of which around 70,000 die from this cause.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the first cause of death among adolescents aged 15 and 19 due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth

Video Medicine: What Are The World's Biggest Problems? (April 2024).