Girl or boy?

After receiving the great news that you will be mom , one of the main questions that you surely have is if it will be girl or boy . There is methods who promise to give you the answer , so we present some ways to to know the sex of the baby .


Although there are different home techniques that have traditionally been applied, there are currently three procedures doctors sure to know the sex of the baby what are you waiting for ?, explains Sofia Fournier Fisas , doctor of the obstetrics service of Quirón Dexeus University Hospital , Barcelona, ​​Spain.

You may also be interested: Determine the sex of the baby with blood tests


Girl or boy?

At 12 weeks of pregnancy , through a ultrasound you can know the sex of the baby . This is a process that through ultrasound you get images two-dimensional or three-dimensional that practically explore all the body of the fetus .


For this test to be 100% safe, Fournier Fishes suggests carrying out the ultrasound to week 20 , which is when male genitalia Y female they are clearly differentiated. "

The second method is to perform a test of blood around seven weeks of pregnancy . If it applies adequately is a way safe to know if your baby will be a boy or a girl. Its effectiveness is 95% to 99% .


According to a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association , the blood of the mother has the information Necessary for decide the sex of the fetus from the seventh week of pregnancy , relatively less time compared to the ultrasound " .

East method does not imply any risk for the mom and the fetus It also helps to know if there is any problem genetic like hemophilia or Down's Syndrome .

The third alternative to know the sex of your baby is through a amniocentesis . In this test we extract and analyze the amniotic fluid to detect or rule out defects congenital , also shows safe results for decide yes it will be boy or girl .

However, it is considered A procedure invasive and only recommend in very cases required because it implies a risk of abortion from 1%.


Another way to know the sex of the baby is with a ultrasound which is a way to explore the structure of the fetus . In order to have higher certainty is done between the week 18 Y 24 , but it's not 100% trustworthy , researchers say National Center for Biotechnology Information. "

If you curiosity to know the sex of your baby is so big that you do not want wait , these are methods effective you can help , beyond practices homemade Y traditional that are based on the shape from your belly , sickness , ways to walk , cravings or in the tests of ring or Salt .

Whenever you look for a option , make sure you have the approval of your doctor to avoid risks Y complications . Take care of your health and that of your baby!