From love to hate…

"From love to hate there is only one step." This phrase is very common when talking about resentment and enmity between partners; But how much truth is there in it and how does a loving relationship reach that state?

According to an investigation carried out by the professor John Romaya, from the neurology laboratory of the foundation Wellcome , the neural circuits of the brain that are activated when you experience love are the same when you feel hate. Which indicates the close relationship that exists between these feelings.

However, what can cause that person who idolizes to become an image of aversion?

Trinidad Aparicio Pérez , clinical psychologist Alarcón Psychology Center in Granada, indicates some of them:

1. Abandonment Over the years, couples abandon themselves to daily routine and fatigue. With that they lose the ability to converse and have communication, as well as enjoying their mutual company.

2. You do not care anymore. You lose interest in the other to the point that you begin to consider that it is a burden, this generates a feeling of frustration and hatred.

3. Idealization. They see the companion as an extraordinary being devoid of defects and they place it on a higher plane. However, with the passage of time you observe the reality and the idyllic idea that you had formed about that person disappears completely.

The expert also suggests four measures that can prevent her from going from love to hatred:

1. Relinquishment of unreal expectations. People start a couple relationship with many expectations that are not consciously expressed. In this way, you will avoid frustration and anger. Do not expect your spouse to be perfect and do not make comparisons.

2. Be positive. Give your partner positive information about their behavior, do not recriminate or criticize. It is more positive to tell her directly what you expect and want from her, than to criticize what you dislike.

3. Do not recriminate the past. What has gone wrong in the past has already happened. Look towards the future.

4. Strive to maintain the illusion. Fight to create a happy and pleasant atmosphere next to your partner.

From love to hate there is only one step, but it is not necessary that in your relationship it is a rule. You are the only one who decides the path it takes.

Video Medicine: Why Love Turns Into Hate - Teal Swan - (May 2024).