9 habits that cause diabetes

On a regular basis, blood sugar increases after consuming food, and in response, our body produces a hormone called insulin, which is responsible for converting glucose in the blood into usable energy; However, this process can be altered due to certain habits, which is why they are considered causes of diabetes.

In this sense, according to the Mexican Diabetes Federation , there are bad habits that, due to the current conditions of Mexicans, are considered risk factors and causes of diabetes, such as:

1. Obesity or overweight . According to a study carried out in the United States, for each kilo of weight that people gain, the probability of developing diabetes increases by 4.5%, explains Claudia Chávez, specialist in obesity and comorbidities , because the excess glucose goes to the blood, in addition to causing insulin resistance.

2. Poor feeding. A poor and inadequate diet, whose consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and fat causes alterations in glucose levels and in the production of insulin.

3. Smoking According to the American Diabetes Association , smoking causes an increase in blood sugar levels and, as a result, may be a cause of prediabetes, or, makes it more difficult to control diabetes.

4. High cholesterol . If blood glucose and blood pressure are high, cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be the cause. All of these are risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, and the more risk factors you have, the greater the risk.

5. Stress . In the study The Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle, Australian researchers have observed that stress is closely related to abnormal glucose metabolism, especially in women, who presented higher levels of tension and concerns.

6. Sedentary . The lack of exercise or physical activity contributes to accumulate more abdominal fat and obesity, risk factors that cause diabetes, but also, not doing physical activity causes slow down the metabolism of glucose.

7. Alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of developing diabetes, since it can produce a chronic inflammation of the pancreas, which leads to a permanent injury and a deterioration of its capacity to secrete insulin, according to the Spanish Society of Diabetes .

8. Hypertension. Some medicines for high blood pressure affect your blood glucose levels, and if it is not treated and controlled in time, it can affect your kidneys, vision and heart, explain specialists in the Cleveland Clinic of the United States.

9. Lack of sleep. It is estimated that 70% of people with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, have an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, explains the doctor. Mauricio Moraira Beltrán, internist and diabetes educator , because it causes alterations in the metabolism of glucose.

There are certain risk factors that cause diabetes that can not be changed, such as genetic predisposition or family history, or age; However, a change in lifestyle towards healthier habits allows delaying the onset or diabetes and may even prevent it, so it is important to periodically check the state of health.

Video Medicine: Five Signs That Could be Symptoms of Diabetes (April 2024).