Key Meditation in the Life of Ingrid Martz

Without a doubt the exercise and healthy habits are basic to feel and see ourselves well, but the real transformation lies in looking inward and evolving as human beings. A good start is the meditation .

This discipline is part of the lifestyle of the actress Ingrid Martz , who every day takes a few minutes to know what emotions affect her, in order to work on them and move on.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Ingrid says: "I always look for spaces to be alone. It does cost a lot of work, because you have to connect with yourself and I try to do it every day, at least 5 minutes and the truth is that it does work for me ".

However, the meditation It is a lifestyle that lies in the here and now. About, Ricardo Ponce , expert of the knowledge to oneself, explains:

Ingrid Martz who has participated in telenovelas as The one who could not love, Storm in paradise, Ruby, among others, points out that this discipline, combined with consuming natural products and exercising 5 times a week, are key to looking beautiful.

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