Feet reveal your personality

Can you imagine that just seeing your feet can describe the way you are? In accordance with Imre Somogyi, author of the book "The reflex feet of personality" , through foot reflexology you can identify the characteristics of each person.

The author assures that this technique allows knowing the traits and the state of mind of a person just by looking at the shape of her foot; however, some characteristics of the fingers should be taken into account, for example:

On the left foot, the thumb corresponds to sadness, the index to emotions, the middle to creativity, the void to love and the little finger to confidence and sex.

For the right, the thumb corresponds to joy; index, to desire; medium, to aggressiveness; annul, decision and little finger to the attachment.

Meanwhile, the shape and position of the fingers reflects the person's way of feeling and thinking, that is, a smooth finger belongs to a determined person, a block finger reflects a brusque and inflexible person.

According to information published in LaHora.cl, the central fingers that bend at the height of the little finger and the thumb correspond to a manipulative person, while the dreamers usually have their fingers raised.

On the other hand, well proportioned and strong feet reflect an active, strong individual with the ability to achieve all his goals, while the rigidity in the fingers indicates someone with a closed mind, demanding or perfectionist.

All these characteristics are important so that we take care of these extremities of the body, we try to keep them clean and pamper them at every moment of our life, since we usually neglect them a lot.