Every day is a challenge ...

Is not your life the same as yours? The disability , not only in Mexico but worldwide, is reason for discrimination . According to the World Health Organization, they are the social group that has the lowest participation in the economy and, consequently, they register the highest poverty rate.

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Every day is a challenge ...

The People with disabilities are those that have one or more physical, mental, intellectual or sensory deficiencies and that when interacting with different environments of the social environment can prevent their full and effective participation in equal conditions to others, as indicated by the International Classification of the Functioning of Disability and Health.

However, what are the disabilities most frequent in Mexico? Here we tell you five of them with information from INGI:

1. Motor. It refers to the loss or limitation of a person to move, walk, maintain some postures of the whole body or a part of it. Of the 5 million people with disabilities, 58.8% are motorized.

2. Visual. Includes total loss of sight or difficulty seeing with one or both eyes

3. Mental. It covers the limitations for learning of new abilities, alteration of the conscience and capacity of people to conduct themselves or behave in the activities of daily life, as well as in their relationship with other people. Here 8.5% have this disability.

4. Auditory. Corresponds to the loss or limitation of ability to listen.

5. Language. It is due to limitations or problems to speak or convey an understandable meaning.

In Mexico, of the people who have a disability, 51% are women and 49% are men. The reasons that cause a disability They can be diverse: at birth, due to illness, accidents or old age.

No one, regardless of age or social status, is exempt from having a disability. Therefore, it is important that there are social, economic and health elements that support this sector of the population, and above all, that there is respect. We are all the same, never forget it!

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