Essential tears for your eyes

To have a view Clear and healthy tears are necessary, since they function as a natural lubricant and keep the moisture of the eyes and free of infections, according to the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English).

The lacrimal glands are responsible for producing these salty drops, which are responsible for diluting the irritants, as well as removing foreign bodies and bacteria that affect the eye.

In addition, they are responsible for distributing nutrients to the parts of the eye and collect the waste from the cells of the ocular surface, because they are composed of water, glucose, proteins such as albumin, globulin and lysozyme, as well as sodium and potassium.

Human beings should avoid the use of air conditioners, stay in extremely dry environments, reduce the time of exposure to the computer screen or television, as well as the inappropriate use of contact lenses.

By taking these measures into account, people protect their eyes from various diseases such as dry eye, which is a syndrome that affects 30% of the population and alters the lubricating function of tears. And you, how do you protect the hydrating function of the eye?

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