Enjoy Christmas!

One of the most difficult experiences to overcome in the career path It is dismissal, and even more so if it takes place in a season of the year, emotionally important, such as Christmas.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth the psychotherapist and specialist in Coaching, Pablo Verde , suggests that the worst thing a person can do is to seek loneliness. Get away from your loved ones, example, your family. And this usually happens because you have the desire to disguise it, since nobody wants to be the target of criticism or pity.


Enjoy Christmas!

It is very frequent that when suffering a dismissal The first thing to do is to hide it from the family; However, this can only increase the problem, since the same level of expenses is maintained, so the anxiety increases in the case of who lost the job.

To survive this situation and be able to enjoy Christmas, the expert Pablo Verde offers you the following tips:

1. Have a comprehensive vision. When you lose your job, you do not stop being a person. Life is not only work. Take this moment to ask yourself if you want to continue in that work area, or if you are satisfied with your professional performance.

2. It is an opportunity. It is a space that allows you to visualize yourself in another company, overcoming new challenges or, simply looking for where you would feel happiest working.

3. Not everything is spending money. The family to be aware of the situation should try not to generate pressure and show that the most important thing is wellbeing, health and that everyone is together in such an important time.

4. Communication. It is basic not only to overcome this difficulty but to strengthen the bonds with those you love. Never leave it aside!

Reponerte to a dismissal can be very difficult, but not impossible. Remember that from each bad experience you must learn and take a positive attitude. In your hands is to get ahead. Do not forget!