Emotions that hurt ...

Within the Mexican population, the arterial hypertension It is found as a risk factor for health, in addition to being very frequent since there are 22. 4 million people with this disease in the country. This is what the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (Ensanut) . However, the arteries can be damaged by stress.


According to the University of Veracruz, the arteries are vessels through which the blood of the heart circulates tissues with the oxygen and nutrients required for these. The large caliber elastic arteries are born in the heart and they branch (divide) into muscular arteries of intermediate diameter. These arteries muscles are divided in turn into smaller ones, the arterioles.


Emotions that hurt ...

Stress, it has been proven, is a factor that causes not only gain weight and increase depression, it can also damage arteries . Discover how.

1. Grease adheres more easily. A study of Columbia University notes that people suffering from chronic stress or stressful episodes are more likely to develop atherosclerosis, the accumulation of fat plaques inside the blood vessels.

2. Greater inflammation. In addition to fats and cholesterols, the plaques contain monocytes and neutrophils, cells immune cells that cause inflammation in the walls of blood vessels.

3. Cause of heart attack . The investigation carried out by the expert Alan Tall, It indicates that when the fat plates are detached from the arteries they can cause a more extreme obstruction in other places. What leads to a stroke or heart attack.

4. Greater fragility. Published in the magazine Nature Medicine, One study points out that atherosclerotic plaques are more like plaques that are known to have the greatest risk of breaking and causing a heart attack.

5. It hurts more than you imagine! An analysis published in Canadian Medical Association Journal , states that stress at work increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease, especially with unhealthy lifestyle habits.

According to data from GNP Insurance, Mexico is the country with the highest percentage of work-related stress, since 75% of employees suffer from this problem, while 25% of heart attacks they derive from an illness linked to this factor.

To prevent this problem you can choose to perform a physical activity or a hobby that pleases you.