Discover if you are a sapiosexual

There are people who, without being attractive or sympathetic, exercise in you a sexual attraction difficult to control and, above all, to understand ... However, what you experience may be a sign that you are sapiosexual ; someone who is more interested in the "interior" of people than their physique.

Although eye, that does not mean that you go through life observing the "soul" of people. A sapiosexual is one, man or woman, who is not guided by physical issues or stereotypes to choose a partner, but in the intelligence of the other, describes the Psychology Today


Discover if you are a sapiosexual

Although feeling excited by intelligence seems irrefutable proof that you are, it is not the only signal capable of reveal this condition Here we give you some:

Video Medicine: Are You a Sapiosexual? | catrific (April 2024).