Difference between climacteric and menopause

The climacteric and menopause they make women experience changes in the life cycle in body and biological form, but also in a social and cultural sense, within which affective bonds occupy a significant place.

There is a medical distinction between the notions of climacteric and menopause, since in the latter refers to the end of menstruation that occurs between 48 and 55 years of age in Latin American women . The climacteric is a longer period that includes perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

According to publications of the Ministry of Health, medicine mentions several physical disorders related to the climacteric. During the menopausal period there are irregularities in the menstrual flow, fertility decreases and headaches, fatigue, dizziness or insomnia are reported, which are caused by a lack of balance between systems endocrine and neurovegetative.

In postmenopause, women usually report hot flashes , which are sudden and systematic vascular alterations with a duration of 30 seconds to 5 minutes, which cause an increase in heart rate and body temperature.

At the urogenital level there is a tendency to decrease vaginal lubrication, where they begin to manifest symptoms such as itching, inflammation, heat sensation, dyspareunia, easy bleeding and an increased susceptibility to vaginal infections.

According to the Reproductive Health Program 2000-2006, it is indicated that activities and practices should be promoted that reduce the risks of diseases associated with the climacteric and post-molepause, while maintaining guidelines to address risk factor's. It must be informed, educated and guided through counseling.