Daniela Romo undergoes chemotherapy

The Mexican singer Daniela Romo announced that, on November 4, 2011, a tumor malignant breast , so now undergoes preventive treatment of chemotherapy .

The actress also assured that the carcinoma was detected in time, so it is free of Cancer .

He pointed out that it always relates to the word Cancer with pain, suffering and death, so he wanted to keep the diagnosis in silence to protect his mother, who is 87 years old.

The artist thanks her family, friends and followers for the support she has given and her prayers.


Myths and realities of chemotherapy

The chemotherapy is a treatment for Cancer in which drugs are used in order to destroy cells cancerous or stop the growth and multiplication. Its administration depends on the type of neoplasm, its location and the state of health of the person.

At the beginning of the treatment changes the way of life of the patient, so it is common that side effects occur, which will impact on people's daily activities.

Because of this, myths have been generated about the reactions experienced by the individual who undergoes a chemotherapy . Here GetQoralHealth it tells you the most common ones:

1.- Myth: Is nausea very common during this process?

True. The chemotherapy produce vomiting Y sickness , especially in the first hours after administering the medication. For the same reason, doctors prescribe antiemetics to alleviate these symptoms.

2.- Myth: Do all people who undergo chemotherapy lose their hair?

False. It is possible that a slight fall in the hair , but not all the medicines used in this type of treatment generate this problem. However, do not forget that the hair grows when the medical procedure is finished.

3.- Myth: Does the smell of urine change?

True. It is possible that patients have irritation in the bladder urinary, so it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids.

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