Colic in pregnancy is normal

During the pregnancy it's normal to feel some kind of pain or discomfort in the belly. However, what is not normal is that pain be very strong When this is the case, you should go to the doctor immediately. There are several causes that cause these Colic . GetQoralHealth tells you what they are.

Implantation: when the embryo is implanted in the skin of the uterus , most women feel Colic similar to pain that you feel during menstruation and that lasts one or two days.

Ligament stretch: from the fourth month, the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus . This produces a pain deaf around the belly or a pain sharp on one side. East pain It can be stronger when the pregnant woman gets out of bed, chair or when coughing.

"False" labor: in the third quarter, you can submit contractions or an irregular hardening of the muscles of the uterus calls "Braxton-Hicks contractions " These contractions they produce a pain slight, usually appear a few weeks before the Birth and can be confused with contractions that start the work of Birth .

If you have cramping do the following to relieve pain

When you feel abdominal pain , sit down and raise your legs. Try to relax and not think about the pain . The symptoms will be relieved soon if you rest comfortably.

Avoid changing positions quickly, especially when you turn the waist part abruptly.

When you feel pain , bend to the pain to relieve it.

If you have digestive problems like constipation , the best thing is to walk a little.

If the Colic Overcome the "normal" pain, call the doctor immediately, especially if you have vaginal bleeding, fever , shaking chills , dizziness , fainting or vaginal discharge . Take care of yourself and your baby!

Video Medicine: 35 Crying and Colic (April 2024).