Cacahuanache soap vs fatty hair

The hair not only plays an aesthetic value, it is also part of the self-esteem and of the vision society has about us as a person, that is why it is so important to care and the cocoa soap is ideal to maintain the healthy hair and avoid the terrible fall.

The cacahuanache is a tree that lives in warm places, mainly in mountainous or forested areas of the country. Its uses and benefits on the scalp have been registered for years. It has a bark in the form of scales that usually has a brown or gray brown color

At Atlas of Medicinal Plants of the UNAM It is mentioned that the macerated fruit of this plant applied through a soap on the hair, can prevent or control the fall of it, as well as neutralize the fat that accumulates in the follicle.

Hair loss is a problem that affects a high percentage of the male and female population of the country and is presented, increasingly, at a younger age.

In the case of the cacahuanache, unlike other plants, it is used in its entirety: bark, leaves, flower and fruit. In the case of soap, the pulp of the tree is used.

To avoid hair loss, in addition to soap, which is recommended to be handcrafted, you can use the pulp directly to the scalp, although this procedure is a bit complicated if you live in the city.

Keep a healthy hair It should not always be a sacrifice, try and experiment with other alternatives such as natural remedies. Treatments through plants can be beneficial and cheaper. Try it!

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Video Medicine: How Does Soap Work? (May 2024).