Beneficial video games to cure bulimia

Solve an emotional problem and recover from a brain injury are the principles of virtual therapy . In this sense, Mark Baldwin , an expert in videogames from the Department of Psychology at Mc Gill University, clarifies: "There is growing evidence that computer-based game interventions help people deal with specific problems, such as social anxiety "Other videogames help to win physical battles through" cyberrehabilitation ", in which the patient, after a injury , exercises the body through games: "In long sessions, the pain is reduced from 60 to 14 minutes if it is done through a videogame, given the concentration of virtual missions." On the other hand, Mario Lehenbauer who works at the Institute of Clinical Psychology in Vienna, indicates that this virtual therapy It is also used with pathologies associated with loss of control, such as bulimia wave pathological , with video games that induce self-control and a more relaxed behavior in visual evasion platforms. It also helps minors to face the divorce of their parents, to overcome different phobias , like the fear of spiders (arachnophobia ), and to overcome the posttraumatic stress .

Video Medicine: Bulimia and Binge Eating in Teens: What We Know and What To Do (April 2024).