Autoimmune diabetes in university students

According to a study university students they may be more at risk of developing a less than daily form of diabetes. This strange presence could be associated with autoimmunity.

We studied more than 56 thousand Norwegian residents (adults) and found that those who arrived at the University doubled the propensity to develop autoimmune diabetes .

Lisa Olsson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden denied that higher education is the cause of evil, for some reason university students have some factor that predisposes .

Olsson, responsible for the study, explained that statistical tools were used to eliminate the tendency of risk factors such as family history with diabetes, obesity, smoking and sedentary lifestyle.

In autoimmune diabetes, the immune system destroys the cells that produce insulin. When this happens in children it is called Diabetes type 1 .

According to the results, developing autoimmune diabetes would depend on environmental factors and exposure to childhood infections.

The doctor Olov Rolandsson, who studies diabetes at the University of Umea in Sweden, agreed that the explanation of the relationship between higher education and autoimmune diabetes remains a mystery.

Source: MedlinePlus and Diabetes Care, online