5 reasons to take care of your liver

There are more than five thousand functions of the liver, vital organ that is responsible for processing everything you eat, you breathe and you anoint yourself in the skin before it reaches the blood, it points Enrique Wolpert Barraza, president of the Scientific Committee of the Mexican Foundation for Hepatic Health (FundHepa).

The liver organ is considered as the laboratory of the body by the multiple functions and processes related to its proper functioning; Therefore, here are five reasons why you should take care of it, according to the hepatologist and gastroenterologist:

1. One of the main functions of this body begins when the human being eats, since it separates food, metabolizes and distribute so that the body takes advantage of them properly.

2. It is responsible for eliminating those elements that are harmful or toxic to the organism, such as alcohol or the polluting substances.

3. Thanks to the bile - liquid formed by bile salts, cholesterol, proteins and bilirubin that secretes the liver, it is possible to digest foods such as fats, and also absorb vitamins A, E and D, known as liposoluble; that is, insoluble in water, explains Wolpert Barraza.

4. Albumin is synthesized in this organ, the most important protein in the body, which serves to transport most of the drugs that are ingested in the body.

5. Stores glucose that is consumed in food and not used by the body at that time. In such a way that when it requires it, the liver releases the glycogen (substance that generates glucose), which allows the individual to have energy to walk and do all their functions.

In this sense, it is necessary to take some measures that allow you to protect the liver and all the functions that are implicit. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of the specialist in liver diseases, the doctor Jorge Luis Poo , who gives you offers some tips for their care:

Also, according to Wolpert Barraza, it is necessary that you take care of your liver through actions such as washing your hands after going to the bathroom, avoiding overweight , consume foods rich in fiber and low in fat, salt and sugar; exercise regularly, vaccinate against Hepatitis A and B , do not eat alcohol in excess, among others.

Video Medicine: How to Cleanse Your Liver (April 2024).