Alcoholism triggers pancreatitis

The pancreatitis It is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas . This is one gland which is located behind the stomach ; Its function is to manufacture and segregate digestive enzymes , as well as hormones of insulin Y glucagon .

The main causes of pancreatitis are the alcoholism and the biliary diseases . In a smaller percentage it is due to the use of drugs, infections or surgical interventions in the abdomen . As explained by the gastroenterologist Moisés Masri in the following video:

The symptoms of pancreatitis are irritation , abdominal pain , fever , sickness , sweating, weakness and weight loss.

An episode of pancreatitis is that the enzymes of the pancreas are activated massively, which causes the death of one's own tissue pancreatic and often a hemorrhage around the tissue dead.

The diagnosis of pancreatitis It is performed from a physical examination where the sensitivity of the patient to the touch of the doctor is detected. Palpations are performed to determine the degree of abdominal pain .

Finally, it is important to mention that the pancreatitis can be prevented by decreasing the consumption of alcohol . If you detect any symptoms, go immediately to your doctor to guide you and provide the appropriate treatment for you.

If the pancreatitis not treated in time can cause the death of the patient in a few days. Beware!

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Video Medicine: VREDEV - Causes of Acute Pancreatitis, and diet to follow / avoid. (April 2024).