Pregnancy after 35

Nowadays, it is increasingly common for women to postpone maternity until after 35 years This is because women's lives have changed. Currently their priorities are professional development and personal growth. However, having a baby in middle age involves certain risks. GetQoralHealth tells you what they are

1. After 30 the fertility decreases, since the production and quality of ovules . This added to the hormonal changes causes you to spend more time in staying pregnant .

2. As time passes, the risk of complications during the Birth as gestational diabetes , high pressure , etc.

3. With age, the risk of the baby suffering increases Congenital malformations . Also, the chances that you need Caesarean section increase

4. After age 35, there is a greater chance of abortion due to abnormalities or chromosomal abnormalities.

5. The prenatal controls are more strict and it is necessary to undergo tests to detect possible problems or abnormalities.

Although the picture can be discouraging, it all depends on the life plan you want to follow. Also, it is important to mention that if you wear a style of Healthy life and you plan a pregnancy After 35 years, this can be without any complications as long as you take into account the precautionary measures and care that the doctor indicates.

Being a mother after the age of 35 also has its advantages. It has been shown that women of this age are much more aware of having a style of Healthy life and they are in tune with your body.

That is, they eat better and know that the physical activity It is indispensable to have a healthy life. Not to mention that by that time, women between 30 and 40 already know what they want, have achieved many goals and are ready to devote themselves entirely to the adventure of being mothers.

If you are over 35 and you want to have a baby, go ahead! Always remember to consult your doctor and never miss prenatal check-ups.

Video Medicine: What You Should Know About Pregnancy After Age 35 (April 2024).