There is no solution?

For every 100 marriages there are 32.4 divorces in Mexico. This could be avoided, in some cases, if the parent noticed in time that her partner is experiencing an emotional crisis. It can? Its main characteristic is guilt, anger and fear.

Although these reactions are normal, the problem is that the crisis becomes chronic. In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the psychologist Roxana Peréz, states that a pathological grief causes the person to have a Exaggerated and longer emotional irritability .


There is no solution?

There are actions that can help you face the crisis emotional of your partner , the Expert Peréz gives you some.

1. There are many circumstances in life that cause us pain

Allowing your partner to relieve you through crying will free you from many feelings that were being repressed. This is an anguish-releasing valve that will help the relationship to be healthy.

2. Invite him out

It is convenient to suggest to the couple a series of Recreational activities to help you get distracted and find comfort sooner.

3. You must be attentive

To listen to the pain, the sadness, the anger, the frustration, the loneliness and all the feelings that accompany the duel that is your partner living

4. Get ready

Learn about everything related to the stages of grief to provide comfort and support cash to your partner.


Love is the feeling of complement and connection of two people, you must learn to love, always respecting the space of you partner and in these moments of emotional imbalance where a series of feelings are at stake, your role will be to be at his side and accompany him so that he feels security " , says Roxana.