Achieves a seductive personality

They recognize it as an art and in reality it is. The seduction it is one of the most delicate and smart of attracting the attention of the opposite sex, although the question isHow to seduce a man successfully?


Robert Greene , author of the book The art of seduction, says that we all have the ability to captivate to sex opposite , although we are not always aware of this potential and we imagine that the seduction it is a trait with which are born some.


Achieves a seductive personality

For practical purposes, Greene affirms that for seduce successfully to a man it is necessary to identify what passionate naturally in the character of them and develop those qualities.


The seduction begins with the character , by ability to radiate a quality that attract and provoke emotions that he can not control, says the author of The art of seduction.

An almost perfect tactic is to develop capacity to show you with an air of innocence Y vulnerability , but at the same time safe of yourself that is your voice , bearing and attitude that make you look in front of him as a woman experienced innocent and willing to live the eroticism .

Hear carefully what he says will make him feel important, so you will attract his Attention . If this strategy is accompanied with gestures that show empathy and you imitate the rhythm of his talk , you will be sending signals of intelligence and trust , infallible qualities to be attractive, affirms the University of Maryland .

Highlight the parts of your figure that you consider more sexy or attractive with a sensual dress, but without being provocative or that ralle in the vulgar.

In the game of seduction , the essential thing is to show you accommodating Without falling into submission, you will awaken desire in him, to want to have you by his side.

Search the moments plus timely to approach you subtly and tries to brush his hand or touch his arm delicately, while you smile gently.

The look is very powerful When it is direct, it causes erotic reactions in them, such as increased activity cerebral Y heart rate .

Science recommends keeping the look 10 to 15 seconds, enough time for the brain to clearly understand the message that you want to send You will also be transmitting that you are daring .

Another important key is that you're relaxed , modulates the tone and speed of your voice So that you do not give the impression of being nervous, do not try to laugh excessively, it is not a good sign.

Yes you feel trust , take the initiative and provoke or seek a pretext to get away from the people, in case of being at a party or public place. It is important that you be veryskilled to achieve it without him feeling forced .

Remember that there is no techniques exclusive or unique , the art of the seduction is to get to call the Attention using your own resources. Luck!

Video Medicine: How A Mid Range Narcissist Projects (May 2024).