Take care and protect your liver from hepatitis

Little is said about the importance of the liver and although it is an organ that occupies a very small space in our body, it is of vital importance. By consuming toxic elements, we damage it to such a degree that it can cause death.

This can cause severe problems such as hepatitis, which is inflammation of the liver and if not treated early can cause the destruction of liver cells. Therefore, here we tell you the causes and treatment to reverse this disease.

Causes of hepatitis

The triggers for this disease to be generated may be of infectious origin (viral or bacterial); immunological, caused by antibodies or toxic that is triggered by consuming alcohol, poison or medicines and hepatitis that is caused by a sexually transmitted infection.

Liver disease can also be caused by inherited disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and Wilson's disease, a condition that involves too much copper in the body (excess of it is deposited in the liver).

Range of hepatitis

There are several types of Hepatitis; the most frequent are type A, B and C. Know them!

1.- Hepatitis A: It is transmitted by lack of hygiene in the home or by consuming contaminated food or that were not washed properly such as vegetables and fruits.

2.- Hepatitis B: It is one of the most serious types. It is caused by a virus that is transmitted through the blood or sexually from a patient with active hepatitis or a healthy carrier of hepatitis B virus.

In this case, it can cause an acute or chronic infection and thus persist in the blood, causing cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, kidney failure or even death.

3.- Hepatitis C: It is transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person (in stage of activity or carrying the virus) and is also a cause of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure and death.


Risk factor's

The severity of hepatitis depends on many factors, including the cause of the liver damage. The most common risks to trigger this disease are:

1.- Use intravenous drugs.

2.- Paracetamol abuse. The abuse of anti-inflammatories can damage the liver.

3.- Having several sexual partners and unprotected relationships.

4.- Consuming contaminated food.

5.- Living in nursing homes or rehabilitation centers.

6.- Drinking alcohol in excess.

7.- Be a recipient of an organ transplant.

8.- Having received a blood transfusion before 1990, because at that time the hepatitis C test was not mandatory.

9.- Being a newborn of a mother with hepatitis B or C, because it can be transmitted during childbirth.

10.- Being a health worker (dentist, surgeon) by contact with blood.

11.- Get a tattoo.

It is better prevent...

The treatments to reverse or control the disease depend on the condition and the progress of it. However, there are several alternatives that can help you to prevent this disease.

1.- Vaccinate against Hepatitis A and C.

2.- Immunoglobulin injection; This can prevent an infection, even serves after having been exposed to a risk factor.

3.- Wash your hands before and after going to the bathroom.

4.- Avoid sharing dishes, utensils or bathrooms with someone who has Hepatitis A.

5.- Do not share rakes, needles or toothbrushes with anyone.

Video Medicine: The Truth about Hepatitis B (April 2024).