Abused youth

At present some specialists warn that among the school population Teen the practice of bullying is becoming increasingly and worrisome (bullying ). It consists of aggressions physical Y psychological among students who can socially exclude those affected.

It is a reality, the bullying is practiced in our educational institutions as reflected in a study conducted by the Department of Education of the DF , which revealed that 77% of students in primary Y high school of Mexico City is assumed victim , aggressor or witness of mistreatment and intimidation towards their classmates.

However, in some public and private educational centers these cases of aggressiveness are being analyzed among young people, who sometimes only stop when they achieve hurt to its victim . Although this type of behavior has always existed, it can not be considered normal behavior.


Abused youth

In general, the word bullying It may include, among other things: intimidate to frighten, to exclude, to annoy, to inconvenience, to provoke, to challenge, hit or to insult . This act presents at least three important criteria to consider: it entails a behavior negative that denotes evil , is repetitive over time and occurs in a relationship characterized by imbalance of power or force (Olweus, 2000).

There are different types of bullying depending on the situation and environment in which it is generated. In the school environment, it can be presented in two ways:


Direct , is the most common form among children and adolescents; it translates into fights , physical aggression and even beatings .


Indirect or psychological , is characterized by pretending the social isolation of the assaulted, through the propagation of defamations, threats or criticisms that allude to physical features or limitations, in addition to blackmail.

With the use of new technologies, in addition, children can be attacked through messages via SMS or be displayed on the Internet when they are objects of teasing or physical aggressions .

This type of behavior usually occurs in the absence of adults, which makes it difficult to detect them; However, the support of teachers, managers and parents is essential to find a solution as soon as possible.


The consequences

Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social development and emotional , as well as in his school performance. In addition, they begin to lose material goods or ask for more money from their parents to cover the blackmail of the aggressor. In the most severe cases, experts warn, bruises or obvious aggressions on the face and body.

Attackers often choose passive children , who are easily intimidated or who have few friends. Victims can also be less than their aggressors, so it is difficult for them to defend themselves. In addition, the situation worsens when those affected hide their problem from the adults with whom they live, such as their parents or teachers.


Some prevention measures

1. Do not ask your child to solve only the problem, much less with violence , because this, far from solving the problem, can cause more stress in children or adolescents and next time they may not want to discuss the problem with their parents. Encourage values ​​such as responsibility, solidarity, etc., with your children.

2. Avoid shouting, beating or insults at home, remember that children are a reflection of what they live at home.

3. Teach your children to control their emotions and impulses.

4. Determine limits on their behavior.

5. Get related and meet the friends of your children.

6. Teach your child to acknowledge his mistakes and apologize if necessary. If you proved that your child is a stalker , do not ignore the situation because it will surely get worse, calmly look for a way to help him.

7. When a case of bullying , the parents of the child must work together with the school to solve the problem immediately.

8. Talk to the teachers, ask for their help and listen to all the criticisms they give you about your child. Keep informed of how the school is treating said case and the results that are being obtained.

9. Never stop showing love to your child, but you should also let him know that you will not allow those aggressive and intimidating behaviors, it also makes clear the measures that will be taken because of his behavior and if he continues in that way.

10. If you have proven that you are being harassed, keep calm and do not show concern, the child has to see in your face determination and positivism.

The home is the main source of love and education of the children because in it they learn values ​​and behaviors, avoid that it is the place where they copy the violence

Keep in mind that the bullying It has serious consequences that can lead to suicide. Are you sure that your children are not victims?

Video Medicine: A TIME TO TELL - Abuse by youth (April 2024).