7 tips for a healthy diet with diabetes

When you havediabetes , who suffers it faces a series of myths around the feeding , like the one about never being able to eat something again sweet or with sugar . However, this does not mean that they must carry a diet rigorous or that some foods are restricted.

A diet Healthy means a healthy visa style, especially for those who are at risk of suffering it or if they suffer some complication. Therefore, they must take into account some values ​​when combining the foods .

To learn more about the importance of a good nutrition and how to combine alimentary groups , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Family HealthCare Center:

In this sense, we offer you some suggestions to improve your feeding if you suffer diabetes :

1. Plan your meals . Combine them with healthy ingredients and not just what is easier or what you find in the refrigerator.
2. Think before you eat . Consider what you will eat instead of ravaging the refrigerator.
3. Servings . Use a smaller plate, so that your portions do not be so big.
4. Chew slowly and completely . Savor each bite, instead of eating as much as you can in the shortest possible time.
5. Snack If a meal is inevitably delayed, you should prevent a reaction hypoglycemic using sugar or sweetener fast action. Ideally, you should eat a fruit while you wait for your food.
6. Physical activity . If you have any extra food, you should increase your activity to use that glucose extra.
7. Dessert . It is more advisable that you eat a small portion to deprive yourself of it and feel bad. You can compensate and combine your foods to give you those tastes from time to time.

Remember that to maintain a healthy eating habit, the key is to be constant at the time of following a meal plan. If you manage to eat your schedules and to balance your nutrients , you can improve your metabolism , digestion and levels of glucose .

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Video Medicine: 7 Tips To Eat To Manage Diabetes (April 2024).