6 effective solutions if your partner snores

Is everything honey on flakes at night? One of the problems that couples must face, initially or over the years, is snoring; But, what is the effect that this can have on the health of both and can prevent the couple from snore?

According to a study conducted by the sleep expert Neil Stanley, e l 50% of couples are affected by their sleeping hours by sleeping together. Even this can originate in some member of the relationship depression, heart problems and even the idea of ​​divorce. Therefore Stanley suggests that the best solution is to sleep in separate beds.

However, if you still want to try it one more time, GetQoralHealth , with information from Huffington Post provides you with six effective solutions that will allow you to continue sharing your nights with your partner:

1. Nasal strips. These adhesive bands are placed in the middle of the nose, which separates the nasal passages to counteract a key cause of snoring: obstruction of the passages. When they are blocked, the air moves faster through the airway, causing a noisy vibration against the tissues.

2. Ear Plugs. You will have to experience some time with the earplugs to determine if you can tolerate the feeling they produce, as they can sometimes be uncomfortable.

3. Therapeutic pillows. 54% of those who snore do so only when they sleep on their backs. A position that can cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse in the throat, blocking the airway and causing tissues to vibrate, explains the doctor Nancy Collop, director of the Emory Sleep Center in Atlanta.

These pillows are designed with a notch that holds your head so you can lie comfortably on your side.

4. Oral devices. They are plastic nozzles that cling to the teeth and move the jaw forward to prevent the soft tissue at the back of the throat blocking the airway.

5. Listen to music . Relaxing melodies, the sound of waves or dolphins are a good option. In addition to reassuring cover your partner's snoring.

6. Strengthening exercises. Some weak muscles of the tongue and throat are more likely to break loose, causing snoring and a strengthening regimen may help. An exercise: place the tip of the tongue in the sky of the mouth and make the sound tsk-tsk several times a day.

If your partner snores can generate difficulties, however, with communication and putting both sides can solve this problem.

Video Medicine: How to Stop Snoring: Sleep Apnea CPAP Solutions Prevent Aid Cure Anti Device Treatment OSA Reduce (May 2024).