5 tips to have more energy in your day

Many people often feel tired during the day despite having slept well the night before or having spent the entire day drinking coffee. Food can have a strong relationship with this state of fatigue and chronic fatigue.

Although food is our fuel to function properly, the truth is that the functioning of our body and its performance also depend on the quality of the diet, as well as preventing chronic fatigue.

Here are some ways to change your diet and lifestyle to feel fresh and less tired during the day, as well as to prevent chronic fatigue.

1. Breakfast. The most common reason for tiredness is lack of food during the morning. This applies to both children and adults. After spending more than 8 hours fasting during the night, the ideal is to wake up and start the day with a full breakfast.

2. Keep your glucose levels. Hypoglycaemia or low blood glucose levels are one of the main causes of fatigue and chronic fatigue. The drop in glucose is usually associated with the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index, such as sugars, soft drinks and refined flours.

That is why they recommend those with low glycemic index (they will take longer to digest and absorb themselves), such as fiber, fruits, vegetables, in combination with foods with healthy proteins and fats such as nuts or avocados.

3. Consume vitamins and minerals: The deficiency of some vitamins, such as those of the B complex, and minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc, has been linked to fatigue and fatigue. Remember that the more varied your diet is, the more vitamins and minerals you will be consuming.

4. Foods with omega 3 . This type of fats are known for their beneficial effects on health. They are found in fish such as salmon, tuna and trout. These fatty acids play a very important role in the brain, as they keep neurons healthy and help keep us mentally alert. In addition, the consumption of these fats promotes a decrease in the glycemic index of meals.

5. Hydrate . Drinking water is very important to maintain a proper blood pressure, when you are dehydrated, blood pressure can go down and make us feel fatigued. One way to know if we are well hydrated is to monitor the times we urinate; it should be between every 2 or 4 hours and the color of the urine should be pale yellow, if we are urinating less often it can be a sign of dehydration.

As you can see, some changes in lifestyle and diet may be enough to increase your performance and your energy during the day. Remember that good nutrition is essential to feel good.

Video Medicine: 5 Simple Tips for Boosting Your Energy Levels | Madeleine Shaw (April 2024).