5 things you gain by being single

The average age at which women marry has begun to increase, which reflects that for one circumstance or another, getting married is no longer the number one priority in their lives but the single.

Many girls have decided to stay single because they want to dedicate time to their career or to their dreams of traveling the world, maybe they just simply want to evade the responsibility that comes with an adult and committed relationship.

No reason is wrong, but it is important that when you decide to join your life to someone else's, do it without fear or frustration. That is why it is important to take advantage of singleness.

That's why today we invite you to learn 5 lessons of singleness:

Lesson 1: Cooking . You will not be the new Top Chef of the world, not even that you enjoy cooking; but YES it is important that you perfection a few recipes so that you never, never, never, have to survive on instant soup and tuna cans.

Try different dishes and if they do not go well, it does not matter, because you will be the only one who knows the truth. Once you master the preparation of those dishes, you will feel more confident in your home and in your kitchen. Besides that you will save a good amount of money.

Lesson 2: Priorities. Even if we do not do it consciously, you have a list of priorities under which you live. Friends, family, work, pet, money, hobbies and more. It is in that place that a new man enters.

Reflect on how you would add a new factor-man to the list and what is what you would not put under it.

Lesson 3: What you want from a man If you are single but you have appointments, you have learned what you like and what you do not like about a man.

Always keep in mind the ways in which a child can COMPLEMENT your life, because no man should COMPLETE your life. That special boy is a wonderful plus to your beautiful life.

Lesson 4: Time alone When that moment arrives, you will be the owner of your time completely, how will you pass it? Whether watching TV, weaving, yoga classes, walking dogs, whatever you prefer, do not forget that YOU are in control. Make sure you spend your time doing things that you like and that you can learn something that makes you happy.

Lesson 5: Heal and learn. If you end up with a broken heart after breaking up with your last boyfriend, it is important that you learn that the process of healing and learning from experience are essential parts to recover from the relationship that ended.

Reflect on what went wrong and discover how to improve or avoid the behaviors that led them to end the relationship, so you do not drag these situations.

Until you do that, it's better to stay single and take that time to get to know yourself better.

Video Medicine: 5 Reasons To Love Being Single (With Special Guest Lewis Howes!) (May 2024).