Nuts to prevent type 2 diabetes

The best way to preventtype 2 diabetes is to control the factors that generate it, such as obesity and sedentary lifestyle , through healthy habits of life, among which a frequent consumption of nuts like walnut can be recommended.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , the endocrinologist and diabetes specialist, María Elena Sañudo, explains in the following video some of the characteristics of this disease and the need for an adequate diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment:

According to a study of the Harvard University, eating nuts just two or three times a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in almost 25%, particularly in women.

Previously, several studies had shown that because walnuts are rich in healthy fatty acids (omega 3), their consumption manages to reduce inflammation in the body and protect against heart disease, cancer and arthritis.

However, recent research published in the journal Journal of Nutrition prove that nuts are a great food to prevent type 2 diabetes, because its slow release of carbohydrates allows a better assimilation without causing decompensation.

Likewise, nuts increase the body's ability to use insulin and regulate the levels of glucose , in addition to their sugars They are well tolerated by people suffering from this disease.

Therefore, due to its properties, the American Diabetes Association recommends including three nuts in the daily diet to prevent type 2 diabetes , as well as reducing the risk of developing other chronic-degenerative diseases.

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Video Medicine: Best Nuts For Prediabetes (April 2024).