Alert on prevention measures

In Mexico, around 24% of the pregnancies do not planned occurs between the population of 10 to 19 years of age, without knowing that there is contraceptives long-term reversible devices recommended for teenagers .

"It is relevant that the teenagers know that the methods contraceptives long-term reversible accessible , insurance and with an efficiency of 99.9% . They can be used without any risk to to prevent a pregnancy not planned, "he says in an interview to GetQoralHealth , Samuel Santoyo, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics .


Alert on prevention measures

He is also a professor of Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM warning about the need for parents , teachers Y doctors generate awareness between the teenagers . This involves warning them of risks that entails maintaining a sexual relationship not protected, even before they start their intimate life.

Even, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) explains that the sex education should start in the home and later with the teachers.


When this dialogue begins in the family, adolescents delay the beginning of their sexual life. It is convenient that this conversation be friendly, open and transparent, "he adds. Santoyo .

The above implies warning the risk of contagion by a infection of sexual transmission not curable like the HIV (HIV) or the Human papilloma , among others. In addition, the consequences of having an unplanned pregnancy.

It is also very important to mention the importance of maintaining protective measures. The use of preservative it only prevents the transmission of a infection . While thecontraceptives long-lasting reversible avoid thepregnancy .

According to the AAP , the intrauterine devices (IUD) or subdermal implants they should be among the number one contraceptive option for teenagers.


These methods in the long term, which have nothing to do with the intake, are more teenagers , why are discrete Y Reliable ", Points out Samuel Santoyo .

The subdermic implant It is a flexible rod that contains progesterone. It prevents ovulation and prevents the passage of sperm to the uterus. its contraceptive effect lasts 3 years, indicates information of the IMSS .

The IUD It is a small flexible plastic that can have copper or release the hormone progestin, its effectiveness is 99%, with an effect of five years.


Samuel Santoyo stresses that these methods contraceptives are accessible for all the teenagers . Although they are not beneficiaries, they can approach any public health institution to request it free ".

It is important to note that the use of contraceptives long-lasting reversible is safe, has no repercussions at organism and can use it to prevent a pregnancy unplanned. Take care of your sexual health!

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