Urine reveals hydration level

Sometimes we downplay our hydration However, some discomfort that we suffer continuously can be linked to a deficient and inadequate replenishment of body fluids and salts. One way to detect problems with our water intake is through the urine .

When we do not suffer diseases related to kidneys or the bladder, the color of our urine , can indicate if we are taking the amount of water and mineral salts that our body needs. For example:

  1. If your urine is completely transparent or a little color means you have an optimal level of hydration.
  2. If your urine has a light yellow hue, you should drink a little more water.
  3. If the color of your urine is an intense yellow and has a penetrating smell, it means that you are not hydrated at all, so it is necessary to increase your water intake. In some cases, this tonality occurs when you have drunk or ingested something that is painting your urine.


Improves the function of the organism with hydration

When the level of hydration is very low in our body, the ability to concentrate is reduced, digestive disorders appear as inflammation intestinal and constipation ; as well as problems in the kidneys , retention of impurities from metabolism , cramps, feeling fatigue and lower physical performance.

Also, the bad hydration It alters the physical image because it diminishes the brightness in the eyes, the lips part, the mouth is dry and the skin , the nails are broken and the hair . Therefore, it is necessary to hydrate ourselves correctly, taking into account factors such as age, gender, diseases , physical activities and climate of the place where we live.

In general terms, an average of two and a half to three liters of liquids should be drunk every day, that is, between natural and flavored water, soups, creams, among others; always taking care that the fluids that are ingested contain the correct amounts of sodium, potassium, chlorides and sulphates. And you, do you have adequate hydration?

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