5 benefits of paraffin

In the search to obtain a most beautiful face , free of same imperfections that are caused by age and harmful agents such as cold or sun. The beauty salons and laboratories have dabbled in the employment and investigation of new elements that help to achieve this objective, for example, paraffin.

Paraffin is a waxy, solid substance that comes from petroleum. Mainly related to candle making, paraffin is also an ingredient, which is currently present in many of the treatments and products for beauty.

This substance is easy to use and economical. Among the benefits it has for our skin is wetting. The paraffin allows to humidify this organ to deep levels since it increases the sanguineous flow.

In the case of the face, it is used in the form of a mask or facials. In this therapy it softens and moisturizes the skin, opens the pores and creates a sensation of calmness.

Paraffin is usually used hot, but at a comfortable temperature and that is not harmful to the skin of the face, which is usually very susceptible. In this way, it is introduced into the deep layers of the skin offering a lasting and smooth rejuvenating appearance.

Other benefits of paraffin can be found in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis and fibrosis. In addition, it reduces joint pain and stiffness and removes excess fluid from the tissue.

Paraffin is an ideal option to achieve a most beautiful face , soft and youthful, without the need to subject it to aggressive treatments. Try this therapy and enjoy its benefits.

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