5 basic exercises for the Olympic fair

The athletes participating in the Olympics have their own routines to achieve an adequate performance in their disciplines; however, there are exercises basic rules that all participants must complete before starting any competition.

According to the page Victortrainner , the exercises Basics are done to develop the characteristics of each participant and avoid any injury during the competition.

1.- Dumbbells : To develop muscular volume that benefits the practice of sports, the weight dead, whether in machines, bars, dumbbells or weights. These exercises basic conditions will improve general physical condition and prevent injuries .

2.- Aerobic training: This routine is designed to improve the cardiovascular system of the participants, because they provide the oxygen that nourishes the body's cells. In addition, these exercises The basic muscles develop the muscle mass of the heart, which will cause the blood in a more effective way; It also prevents depression and eliminates the stress caused by the Olympics. They should be done between 12 and 15 minutes at 80% maximum capacity.

3.- Increase the temperature: With exercises basic heating should increase the temperature intramuscular to achieve good physical performance. Focus on the muscles that you are interested in working, for example biceps, triceps, pectorals, among others.

4.- Coordination : The exercises basic to synchronize the whole body, from the feet to the vision. The movements are made with balls, balls, ropes, rings, among others.

5.- Flexibility : The exercises basic to improve the elasticity and are generated with the own musculature, without external help; In addition, each bone segment is mobilized to increase the mobility of the joints.

Others exercises Basic that the participants of an Olympic fair must perform are those that increase speed, which improve body posture. The movements must be short and with many repetitions.

Besides of training physical, each athlete must take a psychological treatment, which will help develop their tolerance to frustration and develop methods to improve the fulfillment of goals.

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